Steps To Follow While Using The Ribbon Hair Curler

A ribbon hair curler is a new type of heatless hair curler that does not use heat or chemicals to curl your hair. It’s simply a way to add volume without the frizz that comes with regular curling irons. When you use ribbon hair curler, it’s an alternative to your regular curling iron or flat iron.

Steps To Use Ribbon Hair Curler

For the first few times, practice using a heatless hair curler set on your head or a human head mannequin. The more you use it, the better you’ll get at holding and rolling your ribbon hair curler. There’s no need to use hot rollers anymore because if you do it right, you’ll get the same results!

1. Use your fingers to flip your hair up and secure it with a clip. If you have long hair, use two clips to separate your hair into two sections.

2. Decide how much volume you want to add to your hair. You can start smaller than work your way up.

3. Take a ribbon hair curler and hold it near the middle with one hand. Use your other hand to push at the end of the curler that’s closest to your head, then roll it down to create a wave or curl in your hair.

4. Let go of the ribbon hair curlers when you reach the end of your hair. If you want the curls to be tight, hold onto the curler near the end of its time on your head.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all of your hair is in a wave or curl pattern. Make sure that each ribbon hair curler starts next to another one so that there aren’t any gaps in the curls.

6. Leave your hair in place until it’s completely cooled down to avoid creasing or flattening the curl pattern.

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